Temple University Criminal Justice Major with thirty-eight years of experience in Municipal issues. Creative problem solver with the proven ability to resolve conflict, improve morale and consistently exceed goals.

Management – Solid background in planning and executing all phases of supervision. Hands on Supervisor with highly developed negotiation skills and experience cultivating strategic partnerships.

Energetic, creative and service oriented with a record of progressive leadership and operational success.

Detail Oriented with the ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment.

Municipal Experience

Borough Manager/Treasurer/Secretary                Colwyn Borough                                            (2014 to 2016)

  • Chief Administrative Officer – managed all administrative operations in Colwyn Borough
  • Official Secretary for Colwyn Borough maintaining and preserving all records.
  • Official Treasurer – Managed all Accounts Receivables and Payables. Developed and implemented annual budgets
  • Code Enforcement – worked with Code Enforcement Officer ensuring properties were up to code.
  • Website Administrator – created, maintained and updated Borough website


Mayor   – Interim Borough Manager    Darby Borough                                             (1998 to 2006)

  • Chief Executive Officer of Darby Borough – directed the time, place and manner of the 39 member Police Department. Preserved order, removed nuisances, exacted the faithful performance of duties of all borough officials. Assumed the position of Borough Manager during State of Emergency caused by Hurricane Floyd as the position was vacant and the borough was in extreme distress. (See additional duties below)

Council Member                        Darby Borough                                               (1988 to 1998)

  • Served as the legislative body, made appropriations on behalf of the borough, developed annual budgets, enacted ordinances and developed policy


Coordinator           Delaware County Community Service     1999 to 2006; 2016 to Present

  • Coordinate Community Service for Court Ordered defendants as alternative methods to obligations from the Criminal Justice system.  Coordinate invaluable resources of labor for municipalities and non-profit organizations and improvement projects for over 120 sites throughout Delaware County in all 49 municipalities.


Field Manager                   NORC at the University of Chicago                          (2008 to 2014)

  • Managed teams of social science research interviewers for Federal Government studies for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Institute of Health and other government agencies.  Managed teams for the National Childrens Study,  National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979,  National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997,  Commercial Buildings Energy Study,  Residential Energy Consumption Study,  Youth Development Initiative and numerous other federal studies.

Retention Management Supervisor         United Parcel Service                                                  (2000 to 2008)

  • Managed teams of employees and supervisors for UPS ensuring all policies and procedures were followed. Developed programs to retain employees while overseeing operations

 Additional Experience

Grant Writing

  • Drafted numerous grants to obtain financial assistance from local, state and federal agencies
  • Ensured all documentation was in proper order and all statistical information was correctly supplied and documented


  • Prepared and reviewed budgets totaling in excess of six million dollars
  • Ensured line items were in proper order
  • Approved and disapproved – signed into law annual budgets, resolutions and ordinances

Legal Experience

  • Drafted numerous Briefs, Motions, Answers to Complaints and other legal documentation and supplied such information to attorneys representing Darby Borough for accountable, cost cutting and budgetary measures.
  • Municipal Law Experience

    Familiar with all codes both locally and within the State that applies to Boroughs. Drafted numerous sample ordinances and resolutions pertaining to municipal law and government operations, policies and procedures.


Temple University

  • Criminal Justice

Delaware County Community College

  • Liberal Arts

Archbishop Prendergast High School for Girls

 Honors, Awards, Memberships

  • Pennsylvania State Mayor’s Association
  • Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs
  • Association of Mayor’s of the Boroughs of Pennsylvania
  • Appreciation Award – B.A.C.A Incorporated – Bikers Against Child Abuse – for supporting, assisting and contributing to the goals, prevention programs and assistance to area abuse victims.
  • Service to Domestic Abuse Aware
  • Operation PUSH Citation – Commendation
  • Boy Scouts of America Certificate of Appreciation for support
  • Effective Community Leadership
  • American Legion Citation of Appreciation for outstanding cooperation and assistance working with Veterans
  • Outstanding Service Award – Hurricane Floyd

Municipal Duties Continued:

Borough of Darby – Mayor

1998 – 2006 – Mayor – Borough of Darby 1987 to 1995 – Council – Borough of Darby 1979 to 1987 – Committee – Borough of Darby Borough

Description of Duties:

Involved in local government, Municipal Law and State and Borough Codes since 1979.

Had full charge and control of the Chief of Police and the 39-member Police Department. Directed the time during which, the place where and the manner in which, the chief of police and the police force performed their duties.  Familiar with all phases of the Department and its functions.

Monitored court appearances, preparation of case files for court duty, police incident and accident reports, monitored requests for records department – submitted reports to D.A. requests, CYS requests, Domestic Abuse Project and Women Against Rape Report Requests, vehicle impoundments and sweeper violations. Closely supervised the activities of subordinates.
Exercised direct command in a manner that ensured the good order, conduct, discipline and efficiency of subordinates.
Enforced departmental rules and regulations and ensured compliance with departmental policies and procedures.
Community Liaison –  Public Relations – Spokesperson-Representative for the Darby Police Department at Community Forums, Schools, Religious Organizations and various other community functions.
Created case files for court, created/updated rap sheets for each case file, submitted complete case files for hearings scheduled in Common Pleas Court as requested, sorted citations, created spread sheets for special projects.  Created the system and assisted the Anti-Crime Unit with transcriptions of taped interviews of victims, witnesses and suspects for Court appearances.

In addition to overseeing the Department and its functions, was responsible for constituent services that required the need for Congressional Action, State Action, Code Enforcement, Administrative and Municipal Services.

Was responsible for ensuring the safety and well being of 12,000 residents. Administered oaths and affirmations in matters pertaining to borough affairs.
Preserved the public peace within the Borough by invoking powers conferred to prevent and suppress mobs, riots and unlawful and tumultuous assemblies.
Implemented State of Emergencies prohibiting persons being on public streets during specified hours, entry and departure of persons into or from any restricted area, prohibiting the sale, purchase or dispensing of any commodities or goods and imposing restrictions on any other such activities as reasonably believed to help preserve life, health, property or the public peace.
Enforced ordinances and regulations, removed nuisances, and exacted a faithful performance of the duties of the officers appointed.

Borough Council

By resolution, made temporary loans on the credit of the borough in anticipation of taxes to be collected. Enact, revise, repeal and amend bylaws, rules, regulations, ordinances and resolutions.

Domestic Abuse Counseling/Advocate

Created the Position of Domestic Abuse Advocate. Trained police clerks to work with each domestic violence victim that enters the Darby Borough Police Department. Logged and documented all victims, assisted with filling out Protection Orders, transported and accompanied to Office of Judicial Support for filing, Court Administrators Office and finally to the Court for Temporary Orders and Final Orders.