Here you’ll find new and old news articles or updates on borough issues!  Or at least issues that are made public which isn’t many these days….

Man Accused of Shooting at Walmart Employee Surrenders to Police

Man Breaks Librarian’s Back After Stealing Donation Jar in Darby Library, Police Say

For  some reason, for the last several years, Darby Borough elected officials have HIDDEN public records.  Just take a look at their website.  The list of paid bills they upload is a PARTIAL list.  Where are the rest of the bills?  See for yourself:


The minutes are standard form month after month – most committees don’t even give a report.  And the bill list?  From May till the end of 2018 there are MONTHS of missing bills and reports.  Why?  Because they do NOT want us to know what is really going on…..

JUST IN….March 26, 2019 2:18 PM

Deon Browning, who filed a petition to run for Magisterial District Judge 32-2-37 in the Boroughs of Darby, Colwyn and Sharon Hill was REMOVED from the Ballot!  I filed an Objection to his Nominating Petition which can be accessed here:

Petition to Set Aside Nomination Petition of Deon Browning – website

Today, the Honorable Kathrynann W. Durham ORDERED his Petition be set aside – he failed to establish residency in our district.  The final Order and Conclusion of Law can be accessed here:

Final Order and Findings of Law


The Pine Street Bridge has been demolished for several years now.  Darby Borough was SUPPOSED to hire buses to transport the residents to Harrisburg for a hearing with the PUC (Public Utility Commission).

Darby Borough officials NEVER contacted the residents to inform them the hearing was going to be held in May of last year.  The Darby Borough Solicitor – Charles Gibbs, NEVER put any witnesses on as they were supposed to testify.  (I was one of them).

All discussions about this bridge have been BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.  Nothing was made PUBLIC which is against the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act.

The Judge handed down an order on March 1, 2019 which is listed below.

Darby Borough LOST.

Recommended Decision 030119 CSX

FBI Uniform Crime Report for Darby Borough

Every monthLaw enforcement agencies collect detailed incident level data regarding individual offenses and arrests and submit them using prescribed data elements and data values. Quantitative and qualitative data describe each incident and arrest. Police departments then tally the number of occurrences of Part I offenses, as well as arrest data for both Part I and Part II offenses, and submit aggregate counts of the collected data in monthly summary reports either directly to the FBI or indirectly through state UCR Programs.

Here are some of Darby Borough’s crime figures over the last few years.  You will see crime rates rise in many categories.  During my previous term in office (1998 to 2005) with an adequate staff of full time officers, we were able to effectively keep Part 1 crimes in control as we had a highly visible police force.  Today, not so much as staffing levels have dropped immensely as new hires leave after a few years to seek full time employment elsewhere.





For 2014 statistics, Darby was listed as the #1 most dangerous city in Pennsylvania


Colwyn Hires Paula Brown

Trio admits 35G theft from Colwyn Fire Company

Trial date set for Colwyn Fire house theft

CSX problems


Colwyn Clean Up Necessary

Colwyn Finances explored

Judge says no basis for removal of Colwyn council members and manager

Circus Must end in Colwyn

Darby Council REFUSES to answer questions about finances…

Building the “Taj Mahal” on Ridge Avenue

Editorial – A National Discussion on Race – by Paula Brown

Darby Budget Talks heated

Darby residents have to pay an enormous amount for the Chief’s retirement….a golden parachute

Editorial – Put politics aside to save the Darby Library – by Paula Brown

8 years ago – the police department was not properly staffed with full time officers – crime has risen and the department is STILL not properly staffed!

Hurricane Floyd scars still felt 10 years after the storm

Darby Council, padding the Chief’s salary with an extra $53,000.00 in addition to his $92,000.00 salary – and NO payroll records to prove it!

10 years ago – still no answers about Darby finances….

Taxes increased in Darby – again…